Poorly controlled diabetes is more likely to complicate diabetic retinopathy and diabetic wounds and ulcers. Therefore, if diabetic wounds have already formed, Bakersfield wound care is recommended to help create a healthy environment for new skin cells to migrate across the wound. Wound care aims to ensure the wound is clean and slightly moist. Wound care specialists provide effective tips on how you care for your diabetic wound. Therefore, you can inquire more about the effective strategies or measures you can apply to help hasten the healing of your diabetic wound. Some of the ways you can care for your diabetic wound include.
Cover and moist the wound
Generally, most people think airing out a wound quickens its healing, but it is not always the case because most wounds usually heal quicker if they are covered and moistened. A wound should not be moistened only when it drains a lot of fluid. In that case, your care provider may recommend an absorbent dressing. Therefore, for proper wound care, ensure you clean the wound using saline solution and apply an antibiotic ointment or topical gen one daily, after which you should wrap the wound with clean gauze.
Monitor blood sugar levels
Most diabetic patients understand how it is essential to closely monitor their blood sugar levels. It is also especially crucial if they have a diabetic wound, also known as a diabetic foot ulcer. In most cases, when blood sugar levels are elevated, it prevents your white cells from healing damaged tissues. It can also cause small blood vessel diseases, thus reducing blood flow during the healing process. However, without blood flow to the wound, no healing will occur because nutrients and oxygen are not reaching the wound.
Reduce pressure on your foot
If you got diabetic wounds or foot ulcers, you should be off your feet as a way of promoting fast healing. Therefore, your care provider may advise you to avoid walking directly on the wound for several days until the ulcers or wounds have healed. Even though it might be quite challenging for patients who are used to a busy life, they can use devices like removable orthopedic boots, post-operative shoes, and total-contact casts.
Avoid major sources of infection
It is also important you stay away from areas where you are more likely to infect your wound, including public hot tubs and swimming pools. In most cases, these areas are good breeding sites for bacteria that easily find their way into wreak havoc and diabetic ulcers. Therefore, even soaking your legs in a bathtub can give bacteria a chance to create an infection, so ensure you keep your feet dry and shoes on.
Diabetic boots and shoes
In other cases, your care provider may recommend diabetic boots or shoes to help treat your wounds or ulcers. They are mainly compression bandages uniquely designed to apply gentle pressure to your food and still allow movement.
You can therefore care for your diabetic wounds in various ways, promoting healing and preventing reinfection. The new technology has led to the development of Unna boots which also contain medicated paste that keeps your wound moist and hastens to healing. Therefore, it is wise to schedule your appointment with a specialist for tips you can apply to help promote the healing of your diabetic wound. You can also visit their website and learn easy ways to clean and protect your wound at home for fast healing.