A birth control implant gradually delivers a progestin hormone called etonogestrel into the bloodstream. Progestin inhibits pregnancy by preventing egg discharge from the ovaries. It also thickens cervical mucus, preventing sperm from accessing the uterus. If you obtain the implant within the first five days of your menstruation, it is instantly effective against conception. Furthermore, if the implant is placed at any other point, you should utilize a backup method of Forest Hills birth control, such as condoms, for seven days.
An overview of birth control implants
A contraceptive implant is a method of hormonal birth control. It is marketed as Nexplanon in the United States. Also, it was originally known as Implanon. To prevent pregnancy, it secretes progestin hormone into the body. The implant is a little plastic rod roughly the size of a matchstick. A clinician or other healthcare expert inserts it into the upper arm immediately beneath the skin.
The procedure of inserting implants
You must consult a doctor or other healthcare practitioner to obtain a birth control implant. After performing a physical assessment, they will install the implant under your upper arm’s skin. Also, it can remain in place for up to three years. Implant placement takes only a few minutes. Doctors use a topical anesthetic to lessen pain and discomfort throughout the operation. After the procedure, you’ll be sent home with a tiny bandage covering the insertion site. Furthermore, you may be given a pressure bandage to wear for 24 hours. After the procedure, some bruising, scarring, soreness, or bleeding at the insertion site may occur. After three years, the birth control implant will no longer prevent conception.
How effective are contraceptive implants
Birth control or contraceptive implant has a success rate of over 99%. Only around one in every 3,000 sexually active women who utilize the implant become pregnant each year, generally because they were pregnant at the time of placement. This is the lowest failure rate of any contraceptive procedure, including sterilization (male or female).
Preparing for your appointment
1. If you’re already taking a hormonal birth control method, continue until your visit.
2. If you aren’t taking hormonal birth control, wear condoms or refrain from having penis-in-vagina intercourse for at least three weeks before insertion.
3. Bring a list of your prescriptions with you to your visit.
4. Do not fast before your visit; instead, have a healthy meal.
Bottom line
The birth control implant is a very effective method of contraception that is simple to insert and remove and lasts a long time. There are certain hazards to using a birth control implant, such as infection and alterations in the menstrual cycle, and it does not protect against STIs or HIV. Birth control implants can be fitted and removed by most healthcare institutions and providers.
A skilled healthcare provider must insert a birth control implant. During your appointment, the physician will ask about your medical history and may do a physical evaluation to ensure that an implant is the best option for you. Also, you may be able to obtain the implant during the same consultation. Call Raveco Medical or book your meeting online to determine if you are the best candidate for birth control implants.